Monday, December 31, 2012

For next year.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Sliding into position: A just thrown on the potters wheel bowl, cut off and (still wet and soft) carefully placed (slid for dramatic effect) on the shelf.

I've neglected this blog, again...

I've been researching, throwing and throwing. 
It continues to amaze me how subtle a variation in curve can be between a bowl that stands to attention and a dumpy thing. 
Also, I tend to concentrate on shape and glaze, It's just what I've always done and enjoy. I feel the need to decorate, I've been in company of some exquisitely decorated vessels lately. 
I'm fighting against it.

Sliding into position.
A just thrown on the potters wheel bowl, cut off and (still wet and soft) carefully placed (slid for dramatic effect) on the shelf.