Sunday, November 30, 2008
Chunky shino.

Saturday, November 29, 2008
Friday, November 28, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Porcelain bowl with oxide.

It's cold this morning. It's been raining for the last couple of days and the hint of summer (a few days of +30 deg. C) seems to have washed away. Don't get me wrong, love the rain, we certainly need it.
A coffee and a few hours should fix the temp. and it can rain all day; love the sound of rain on a tin roof.
Today some little bowls are on the "to make list"; and maybe a Sake set. I was arranging a little bowl and bud vase, and the thought of a Sake set came to mind. They look nice together; you can have the Sake though.
Now for that coffee!
Friday, November 21, 2008
Bud vase.
Altered porcelain .

I think my elements in the electric kiln are getting tired/old. The Harco kiln sitter chucks a wobbly at 1240 deg. So from then on it's up by only about 25 deg. an hour. And a vigilant watch through the spy hole with my welders goggles to watch the cone fall over. I've got a collection of bent cones now. I think they'd make a wonderful "African" wild animal tooth necklace. Any takers?
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Clay delivered with a bulldozer.
This clay pile looks very dark. It's because it's wet. The little white patch to the left of the bulldozer is where he has scrapped the top off to get some dry clay. So it won't clag up in the crusher.

The pink clay to the right is more like McKenzie’s clay. More iron oxide and perhaps titanium.

It was overcast on the day. All the photos came back so flat. I had a fiddle with them. Now they're a touch on the contrasty side, and with a slight cyan cast. I'll have a fiddle with the RAW files later.
Come back again, I'm sorry.
I wanted to post them though. I think they are fascinating, regardless of the cast. I do realize they could be totally boring to most people too.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
You can have a look at the catalogue online click here.
Auction is on:
162 Queen Street
Woollahra NSW 2025 Australia
Gallery hours Mon–Fri 9am–5pm, Sat 11am–5pm
Ph: (612) 9326 1588
Fax: (612) 9326 1305
Saturday, November 8, 2008
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Red enamel.

Ferris wheels and wind turbines.

There are a lot of Ferris wheels and wind turbines going up these days. Not enough wind turbines, but far too many Ferris wheels.
Sunday, November 2, 2008
Red enamel illustrations.

I rarely draw ideas prior to working on the actual form. I'm not much of a drawer, wish I was. So, I'm usually none the wiser after a doodle; tend to work it through in my head. But, with the red enamel that I've been applying to some finished pieces, it has been helpful to place the lines on illustrations.
The pieces cooling down in the kiln have had the lines placed a third of the way up (the golden mean), but after these illustrations I will place some lines in the middle.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Environment as influence.

I moved from Melbourne to central Victoria just over two years ago. Not long after moving, I started using local stoneware clay. More of a physical influence than a visual one, but that has caused a visual influence on my glaze and decoration. To both the stoneware and porcelain. I suppose the need to dress up the stoneware has made me look for new glazes and decoration. And that together with walks through a local forest has helped influence my colour palette. The first glaze I worked on was a blue celadon, quite vivid/striking. I then moved to a subtle grey blue celadon on the stoneware; it comes out as a pale green on the porcelain. To this I've added iron oxide and shino horizontal brushwork. I would suggest that those choices have been influenced by the local forest.