Saturday, October 18, 2008

Glaze test (body & glaze reduction).

The results from Thursdays glaze test.
I had a surprise. The tile at top centre, with the black dot was a similar recipe to the others (clear gloss) but with the addition of magnesium. Hence, like talc. it has a lovely satin finish. I already have a fantastic satin glaze; half talc and magnesium. But, this one breaks to gloss. Giving a wonderful look of a frosted ice.
I have a new coding system (hopefully I'll stick to it) instead of numbering a glaze test session 1 through six (I usually do tests in batches of six) I have gone back to using letters AA, Ab, AC etc. The other day I tried to work out a glaze test I did months ago. The paper work had not been kept with the test tiles; it's impossible to look at a series of recipes and re match it to a glaze test. So hopefully I'll stick to the lettering protocol and be able to go back to an old glaze test tile and know what recipe goes with it.
I always put a black texta dot on the test tiles I like. And a cobalt pencil line at the top (under the glaze) to see if there is any movement.

The bowl was in this firing too.

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