Thursday, April 30, 2009

Found; Henry Moore Sculpture, not.

If you look long enough. You can find a natural wonder amongst the ordinary.

Then again, beauty is in the eye of the beholder

I went to a local clay pit yesterday for a load of clay. I found the above piece amongst the pile, and could not get myself to crush it with the rest. 

So, I wonder if I should fire it as is.

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Red comfy chair.

Finding rubbish dumped in a natural environment is often upsetting, but, occasionally it's interesting. rubbish that's been dumped in a natural environment is often upsetting, but, occasionally it's interesting.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Melrose possum jug.

This is a jug that was made in the 1930's. 
Hand made pieces like this continue to appreciate. I doubt the same of a Maxwell and Williams piece.  
So, it pays to buy hand made. Not only do you get the immediate joy, but generations down the track do too.

Monday, April 20, 2009

Recent finds.

I've only been using Twitter of late.
I was looking for a picture of John Percival' Deviled Angel (no luck) and ended up getting a whole lot of naive and/or Art Deco pics. Some looked so much like a piece my Mother gave me last year (I think my Grandmother bought it) that I decided to Google the name. I love Google and the jug now. Now the ugly (sorry Mum; though I think it's the reason she handed it over to me) jug is really quite lovely (a jug by the same artist sold for $600.00) actually, the jug is still ugly, but I would not get rid of it because Mum gave it to me (tissue/violin time) and that is where its true value to me lies.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Slab rolling.

I re-discovered my slab roller this week! 

I've almost run out of my usual clay. The only clay I have left in reasonable quantity has a habit of "S" cracking when thrown on a wheel. So, I dusted off the slab roller and have been having fun with it all week! And no "S" cracks.

I'm trying to make something nice for Object, as they asked me to consider "an exciting opportunity to exhibit in pourers"

I think I've nailed it, and I thank Object for challenging me.

I must say though; for some reason slab rolling has wrecked my hands. No, I did not get them caught or anything dire like that. The clay has dried my hands out to unparalleled levels. I think it's the dry wet dry wet combination of fiddling with the clay and slip. My hands handle a constant wet from throwing quite well, as long as I drink as much water as coffee. That means a lot of water for me. So I keep hydrated.

I will have to find a heavy duty moisturising cream. And a different barrier cream; my current one makes my hands greasy and sweaty, not good when glazing pots. And my favourite Nivea moisturiser just can’t keep up with the slab roller.

I'll let you know what I find. And, if you can recommend anything, please do.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Kevin 2017.

Rudd to build national broadband network with private sector.

Don't worry about slow Telstra Internet anymore. It will all be solved by Kevin with in 8 years.
Actually, I think it's the right move. 
I could start to like Kevin (if I started listening to him, I would not need Valium to get to sleep either).
No one person (cya Sole) should hold a country to ransom with slow internet. Goodbye/badbuy Sole. How much did we pay him to destroy Telsta?
A country as remote as Australia is, needs the fastest internet available. It's the only way to really be in touch with the rest of the world. Waiting for a page to load, or a video call on Skype stuttering is rediculous in 2009. 
I have a faster than normal (for Australia) bandwidth at 512kbs. What a joke, I think my brothers standard connection in Denmark is ten times that.
I'm all for Privatisation, but copper/fiber/Satelite delivery should not be privately owned. It should be owned by all Australians, and kept up to speed and available to all at a fair price.

"The Government says the network will connect 90 per cent of all Australian homes, schools and workplaces with broadband services with speeds of up to 100 megabits per second, 100 times faster than those currently used by many households and businesses. 

It will connect all other premises in Australia with next generation wireless and satellite technologies that will deliver broadband speeds of 12 megabits per seconds."

UPDATE: Christian Kerr | April 07, 2009
Article from: The Australian.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Jeff Campana.

How he makes a Lidded Jar!

I'm not about to get this technical in my process, but I'd definitely have one of his vessels on my mantelpiece.

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Follow my links without joining.

Twitter secretly.

There seem to be a number of you who are reluctant to Twitter. I understand this, I too refused, thought it was daggy (probably still do).

I do find it useful though for suggesting things to look at that I would not otherwise put up as a post.

Posting people’s photos without permission is a copyright issue.

I can put a link up as a post, but posts are boring and often skipped without a photo to grab ones attention.

So, with Twitter, being text only and less than 140 words; I can simply put a link to something I've found and want to share.


You can look at my Twitter without signing up to Twitter. You could possibly RSS it, though I have not tried to do that, so can not vouch for it.

Give it a go, check out my links at my Twitter.