Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Happy New Year.

A new style merging.
A new year coming. Hope it's a happy one for you.

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


One of the benefits of being a potter is: being able to make really big coffee cups. 

Foot stamp.

The foot, a stamp. The final touch. Oh, there is the glaze bit I suppose...

Saturday, December 20, 2014

Triple boxed.

Making boxes is FUN when you have a battery powered circular saw.

Triple boxed.
This box also has double thick cardboard 2cm squares on every corner (under the craft paper) to give it extra crumple zone spacing.

Floating inner box.

Inner box with foam lined canisters. A snug fit.
The canisters are glued in place with industrial wood glue.
The double thick cardboard is also glued as if it were wood.

I'm no longer comfortable double boxing after seeing those DHL, UPS, Fedex and TNT people throwing parcels.
We should only have to pay by weight of product being sent. Not fair that their slack attitude costs me heaps in time and money.

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Pin holes on bowls.

At first I didn't like the pinholes.
This is a beautiful smooth glossy white glaze on any other ^10 clay, but on this red stoneware it pinholes. I assume the clay is releasing gas, but even with a 60 minute soak at top temp. it does not resolve the pinholes. I've learnt to like them now. Perhaps I will try a glaze with out whiting at some stage to see if I can help the glaze, but perhaps I'll just settle for this. It's not too bad.